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Fullbright: the console version of Gone Home is no longer in development

Less than a year ago, The Fullbright Company announced the development of console Gone Home (already released in 2013 on PC, Mac and Linux), dramatic tones adventure firsthand that we would play a girl in search of her sister now date for dispersed.

Today the developer announces that the console version of the game is no longer in production, due to some commercial agreements ceased between Majesco, (the company affiliated with the developer Fullbright) and Midnight City, the independent publisher who had been entrusted the publication of Gone Home . To confirm the stop on the work related to the console port of the game is the same developer of Fullbright Steve Gaynor, who said, through an interview during GDC 2015, that " the development of the game was sadly discontinued ".

Unless the team is unable to find another publisher, the interesting indie Adventure might never see the light on the console: of course we will inform you if they get new news about it.