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More than a million copies sold for Alien: Isolation

By official release, the boys of The Creative Assembly inform us that, at a distance of approximately 3 months after the official launch of Alien: Isolation the new survival horror game Sega weblog has reached and passed the notable milestone of one million copies sold worldwide. Here's what the official release:

"It is with great pleasure that we announce to have sold over a million copies of Alien: Isolation worldwide!"

"Since Alien: Isolation has arrived in stores, it was a fantastic time for us because we were able to observe how our community, fans and players have faced our survival horror."

"We are immensely proud to have produced one of the most critically acclaimed games in 2014, and we received more than 50 awards at the Game of the Year. Here the study, we would like to thank all our fans for having supported and helped to win. "

A great milestone for Alien: Isolation , which has managed to make inroads into the hearts of all fans of the famous film counterpart which is linked.

At the bottom of the news, you can find the image used by developers to mark the event.