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Sierra and Rock Pocket Games announce the platform-puzzle Shiftlings

Sierra, Activision's label devoted to publishing titles in digital downloads, announced the development of Pocket Games Rock of Shiftlings , a new platform-puzzle title coming soon on Xbox One in spring.

This game provided the description from the Publisher: " set in an intergalactic reality show, Shiftlings is a puzzle platformer" which tells the story of a pair of space guardians who travel to the Cosmos overcoming complex challenges. The special touch of Shiftlings ' is that these two strange blokes are linked by a single air tube, which allows them to Exchange air in continuous and immediate way through spacesuits. This feature allows one of two characters to increase massively its mass and weight, reducing its mobility but offering clever ways to solve goals and reach new areas. The full adventure, designed for both single-player and the two-player local multiplayer and online co-op, sees our intrepid Heroes "scavengers" conquer over 50 levels spread across five unique worlds. "

We leave you to announce trailer of the game and a couple of pictures, hoping to soon see the gameplay.

MX Video - Shiftlings