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Square Enix: even Star Wars and Marvel Universe could be part of Kingdom Hearts III

In an interview held today in London, co-director and designer of Kingdom Hearts III , Tai Yasue, confirmed that for the next adventure under Square Enix and Disney , players might be ahead of new worlds for the series. In particular, there may be news about the Star Wars and Marvel universes, both acquired by Disney.

"Well, Yes. They are all under scrutiny " said Yasue the possible inclusion of Star Wars or some Marvel character in the universe of Kingdom Hearts III .

"Nothing is off-limits to us, we are considering all worlds. There are so many wonderful concepts. We are happy about this, but at the same time, it is really hard to choose. No on can I get into the specifics, but there are a bunch of news relating to Disney World and c ' is a lot to consider. "

Of course everything is still being evaluated, but it seems that in the new Kingdom Hearts III , announced version Xbox One on the occasion of last E3, there is a chance to bump into new worlds Disney unedited. We can only wait, waiting for more news on this.