NBA Live 15 view their improvements in a new gameplay video
Riccardo Brilli / Wabloo
P 1 ott 2014 20:27
These are some of the improvements made to the title:
- Now the artificial intelligence of the players will be much more responsive and intelligent, able to take full advantage of a counterattack;
- It will be much easier to perform the steps in a circle, so that they can take time and study the best offensive strategy;
- Now the contrasts can finally be called these: If you encounter an opponent no longer in vacuum towards him but your player will fall to the ground, just as happens on the real NBA camps;
- Hence the shootings will have a new physics and may turn into a basket only if parents keep hold of tyre for a precise time.
NBA Live 15 is coming next 31 October for Xbox One ; below the video.
MX Video - NBA Live 15