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BioWare reveals the multiplayer co-op mode of Dragon Age: Inquisition

BioWare just announced on the IGN pages which, in addition to the campaign that may last for up to 200 hours for completists, Dragon Age: Inquisition will also have a co-op mode with four players designed to allow us to have fun with friends in sessions of 20-30 minutes at a time, perhaps between one and the other campaign.

This mode will be completely detached from the main campaign even if the setting is connected: a shall interpret them team of Heroes sent from Inquisitor to perform different tasks. When you start a game you can choose between three different "campagne" co-op, each of which will generate a randomly playing area consisting of more arenas and connected between their territories; so for every game we could see different areas or sections already encountered but in different locations than in the past. The ìdea at the base of this mechanism is to create missions that are re-playable levels indefinitely without having every time the impression of star playing always the same map.

Each player can choose their own character among a roster of 12, divided among three different classes: Warrior, thief and magician . Each class will have obviously very different skills from the other, then the composition of the team will be much in the way you tackle the enemies. At the end of each game, we will gain a certain amount of gold that we can then use to buy new equipment, weapons and armour to use in subsequent matches. You can also buy this gold by real currency, but developers assure that it will be an option if you are approached to earned simply by playing.

Of course, fighting in real-time with other players, we won't be able to stop time to activate the Visual tactics as in the single player campaign: everything is thus more frenetic and will require a strong understanding between team members.

We leave you a video where we can see some moments of the game in this mode.

MX Video - Dragon Age: Inquisition