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The character creation mode shows itself in new screenshots from Dragon Ball: Xenoverse

How to create characters from Dragon Ball: Xenoverse that we had talked about , is the protagonist of a new set of images where we see the customization of combatants; We will not be limited only to marginal aspects of character as the costume or hair, but we will be able to choose from a variety of physical aspects such as hands, feet, head, nose, mouth, weight, height, ears and even eye color. You can also enrich the fighter style with accessories such as wearing on his shoulder.

Bandai Namco Games also announced the arrival of a scheduled beta mode at the moment only for the Japanese territory, but we don't know if it will be possible to download it via a Japanese account to play it; I'll let you know as soon as possible.

To follow the examples and images obtained thanks to this editor, remembering that the game is still in development for Xbox 360 and Xbox and 4.