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Harada: Tekken X Street Fighter is still in the works

The announcement of July 14 on the development of Tekken 7 , followed today by a new extended trailer, did turn up our noses at the many who waited anxiously await news on Tekken X Street Fighter : that the announcement of the new game mean that the long-awaited cross-over with Capcom has been definitively shelved?

It seems not. Speaking at the Comic-Con in San Diego, the series producer Katsuhiro Harada have firmly stated that the production of Tekken X Street Fighter moves relentlessly, urging fans to "relax". Harada explained that with many titles with which the team is currently involved ( Revolution Tekken , Soulcalibur: Lost Swords , Rise of Incarnates , Tekken 7) , must find the right time to advertise and release title, but sooner or later it comes out.

We must therefore be patient waiting to know when we can again become Jin Kazama and Ryu clash, this time with the game mechanics of Namco series.