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Microsoft pulls the plug on Xbox Entertainment Studios

Poor Don. Poor Don Mattrick. It remained very little of his initial vision for Xbox One. The always-on? Crossed Out. The DRM system? Crossed Out. The impossibility for the indie to be alone? Crossed Out. The headset Live not included with the console? Crossed Out. The Kinect required with the console? Crossed Out. Don Mattrick on Xbox Division? Also crossed out. An important inheritance has however left: the Xbox Entertainment Studios , the Hollywood studios members to produce quality TV content to offer exclusively on Xbox Live.

But no. It seems that the breakup of vision Mattrickiana by the new leadership was not yet complete: the company has announced today the closure of Xbox Entertainment Studios, canceling all the projects in the pipeline with the sole exception of the Halo series, which will continue to be produced.

The closure of the studio is part of a major corporate restructuring that will see the dismissal of approximately 18,000 employees, 12,000 of which are part of Nokia, and was built specifically to focus efforts of Redmond House solely on the production of games, removing unnecessary activities to the Xbox brand. Definitely another move that makes us understand how Satya Nadella and Phil Spencer-respectively CEO and head of Xbox Division-have most at heart pure gaming compared to their predecessors Steve Ballmer and Don Mattrick. And so, the additional "reversal" of the initial projects related to Xbox One took place.

Poor Don.