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Visceral makes a few changes to the gameplay of Battlefield: Hardline

Thad Sasser of Visceral , thanks to feedback received from the first beta period, revealed a series of some changes that will be made in Battlefield: Hardline . The common malaise that has encountered the user playing the title and that has attracted more attention to developers, was a feeling too "slow" with the gameplay; in this regard, Visceral has tried to increase the speed of the players by about 10% with the primary weapon, and a 10% bonus if you move while using a gun.

The speed of the game was not the only aspect on which Visceral focused, as a detailed list of all changes to the gameplay, you can find it on the official site of Battlefield . Finally Sasser wanted to inform that the door is always open to feedback, on the occasion of the second beta period of which there had already spoken , until the launch of the game and post the output.