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SAYS: the new Mirror's Edge will focus more on hand-to-hand combat

According to what stated by Karl Magnus Troedsson SAYS, general manager of the new Mirror's Edge will be a gaming system much more dynamic and fast-paced than its predecessor and will be more focused on first-person fighting hand-to-hand.

Troedsson has explained on the pages of CVG: "what we can say is that if the previous game was focused primarily in the first person, movements with the latest trailer we showed how (in the new game) also the combat system has been refined and improved": specifically Troedsson refers to footage shown during the EA press conference held during the fair of Los Angeles just passed. " We showed the fighting and movement to date, but there is much more to talk about. What I can say is that the game is taking a different direction from above. We are building the Faith of the new generation ".

We are waiting for more details and to know a release date.