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White Night: a survival horror in black and white from France

E3 ended, but certainly does not end our coverage with "clawbacks" of news and video for some reason did not make it to emerge in the Bedlam of the past few days. One of these is the announcement of the upcoming arrival in digital on Xbox One [/play] of [play] PS4 White Night , horror adventure completely in black and white independent French study Osome Studio.

Developers-three veterans who have worked on titles like Remember Me , Heavy Rain , Beyond and Alone in the Dark 5 -explain that it is a survival horror game "old school" that draws directly to the origins of the genre: that Alone in the Dark out when the words " Resident Evil " does not stand for anything yet for gamers. It is a psychological horror, heavily based on puzzles and rich in cinematic references (from Hitchcock to Polanski to Lynch) which exploits the contrasts of black and white not only to create a strong visual identity but also to create puzzles based on the use of light and dark lighting.

The story is set in the years 30 and we are trapped in an ancient castle while we work to resolve the mysteries that surround him and escape from the dangers that lurk in the shadows. It seems a very interesting title and by strong artistic provenance: definitely one of the best indie games to keep an eye on. We leave you with a trailer and a series of images that show us what to expect from the title.

MX Video - White Night