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The netcode of Battlefield 4 improves with a patch coming this week

There's never peace for a competitive multiplayer, especially if this is affected by technical problems and tied to one of the most important franchise in the industry: we are talking about Battlefield 4 . SAYS has released a patch on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and throughout the week will also release on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, to modify and improve the netcode, i.e. that part of the game code that manages the connection of players and how and when information is exchanged between the host and the server.

Next-gen versions, the patch will also introduce a new function called "High Frequency" Bubble ", adjustable in three different activity levels, from low to high: in layman's terms, by activating this function, the server will communicate more often with each individual host (player) thus providing more accurate data about their positions and where they're pointing their weapon. Increasing data exchange, so the game should receive more accurate information and return the more correct experience and realistic as possible: for example, how many times happened to be inexplicably dead, believing that the opponent was in a different location from the one shown in the game?

This feature, significantly increasing the use of bandwidth, if you want to programmatically set "high", will require at least a stable connection and it reaches the speed of 1Mbit. The High Frequency Bubble will be first introduced on an experimental basis in the playlist that support 48 players and then, if this initiative proves to be a success, will also be adopted by 64 players mode.

You can view this address to the complete list of changes that will be made by the new update.