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Upper One Games Announces Never Alone for the new console, trailer

Upper One Games announced the development of "Never Alone" , a platform game almost fairytale style combined with puzzle sessions, set in the cold Alaska and adverse. In this interesting title impersoneremo a girl Nuna call Inupiaq or Inupiat accompanied by his inseparable Arctic fox, with whom we will have to save the Native Alaskan people from an unrelenting snowstorm. The player must "switch" between the two characters in order to solve the puzzle in the game.

The title will have a single-player segment distributed in eight chapters and also there is a co-op mode for 2 players. Rimandandovi the video game debut, we inform you that the release is expected in digital format on Xbox One for autumn of this year, to date still to be determined. Good vision.

MX Video - Never Alone