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Rumor: Mass Effect will Contact the new chapter of the saga?

The new Mass Effect could be among the new games that will be revealed during the s how EA at E3 today are circulating and some rumor about the title of the fourth chapter of the saga. The well-known insider Ahsan Rasheed said that the title will be Mass Effect: _ _ nt _ _ t . The site assumes that DualShockers, filling spaces, the only word that would show a certain relevance to the universe created by Bioware seems to be Contact .

If indeed the title was confirmed as Mass Effect: Contact , you would make plausible the scenario of prequel set during the war of the first contact with the other inhabitants of the Galaxy, a focal point in the series just ended. All this is to be taken anyway with ben long, at least until the increasingly wait c onference EA of 9 June . And you, you think about a possible prequel ? Or would you have preferred a sequel to the epic of Commander Shepard ?