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First shots of gameplay for the console version of Project CARS

There really is a lot of anticipation for the next project by Slightly Mad Studios Project CARS , racing game that really promises to revolutionize the genre. Previously we showed you the first official trailer while those that were found here are the first pictures taken from the console version of the game, in this case, PS4, which should not differ from the Xbox version One. According to the developers Project CARS is a title that will embrace different styles and categories of engines, leaving the player complete freedom in them.

In the words of Andy Tudor of Slighlty Mad : "we wanted the driving experience was the most authentic on the planet and we wanted to provide you with everything you need to recreate a race weekend exactly as in real life, day-night cycles and weather changes are included in a system that is not only nice to look at but also challenging and full of strategic opportunities ."

" We wanted that players were connected to each other in a variety of different social options, such as Time Trials, events, competitive multiplayer, content sharing, statistical comparisons and more "

Project CARS will arrive in November on Xbox One cockpit.