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Rumor: Dying Light abandons old-gen consoles, postponed to 2015

You're waiting for the title horror-parkour by Techland Dying Light ? If some recent rumor proves true, it is possible that you will have to wait a year and that, if you have only one Xbox 360 , you will have to switch to next-gen to play it. This is because the Polish site, which mentions that he received word from two different sources very close to the development team of the game: the title will leave old-gen consoles to devote himself solely to the new console and will arrive in 2015.

Beyond the platform change, probably wanted to look more "next-gen" title, it seems that the postponement was decided because the game seemed too similar to Dead Island, whereby developers have wanted more time to make major changes to the overall look. If the rumor is true it is therefore possible that we will have with a game rather different from that shown so far.

For now it is still unconfirmed rumor, so take them as such: Techland meanwhile has now responded with a no comment, stressing that at the moment the official date remains 2014 end.