New rumors on how long MGS v: Ground Zeroes
The editor of The VG Resource Dazz Loyall Brown explains that there are different missions, each lasting between 30 minutes and 2 hours. those who want to get the most from the game can therefore expect to remain glued to the pad for several hours.
Other interesting information come instead on history: more journalists agree to define the final game exciting and astonishing, incredible, while always Sam Smith explains that there are now far fewer cut-scene interruptions because much of the narrative takes place during gameplay through the tapes recorded we will find around: as a result the game has become fasterwithout the constant interruptions to which we had become accustomed Kojima.
In short, from early comments it looks like this will be a must for lovers of the series: now that remains is to figure out if it is worth buying at full price or should perhaps expect to find him, a few months after launch.