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Game Informer: the history of MGS v: Ground Zeroes lasts less than two hours

After the News last night about the possible duration of Metal Gear Solid v: Ground Zeroes , Game Informer has dispelled any doubt in this respect by explaining, in the pages of the latest issue of the magazine, which the main story is very short. The editors say: " Judging only the main story, Ground Zeroes is short. We completed in just under two hours. "

This length does not include obviously secondary activities or special missions for different platforms ( consoles Microsoft will have a Special Mission as Raiden ), so it should be understood that these are substantial.

The fact is that the main story reaches a length from demos, or nearly so; the videogame industry is not new to similar initiatives, such as Dead Rising 2: Case Zero , but in that case the main story lasted about 3 hours and the game cost the launch less than 5 Euro.