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Warframe prepares to arrive on Xbox One

The FPS free-to-play Digital Extremes cooperative Warframe was one of the launch of exclusive PS4, but looks set to get even on the Xbox One. In September, the developer had already anticipated that the period of exclusivity (console, since it was already released on PC) Sony console would be only 3 months, hinting that the title would then be transferred elsewhere, and now we have confirmation.

PEGI, the European video game rating Board, has just entered into its archives the Xbox One version of the game, effectively confirming the existence. There remains now that wait by Digital Extremes the official announcement with a release date (the PEGI website, 31/12, is a tentative date) that, having regard to their past statements, it should not be before March 2014.

For those of you who don't know the title, we propose the video game session in PS4.
