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Sam Lake: in Quantum Break we will also play the villain and we'll change the story

In an interview with Game Informer, writer and Creative Director of Remedy Sam Lake explained that in Quantum Break we will also have the opportunity to command the main enemy of the story, Paul Serene. Lake explained that in many films the villain is extremely charismatic and almost more important than the heroes themselves, such as Alan Rickman from Die Hard; for this reason, at the end of each chapter of the game we will live the story from the point of view of Serene instead of the protagonists (Jack and Beth agents), to understand more deeply the motivations and see it as a deep and multifaceted character.

Paul Serene has the special ability to see into the future, with the ability to see all possible timelines and therefore can act to decide which make real. Playing in his shoes at the end of each chapter, we can then see these alternative futures and make the choices that will lead to one of them: at the beginning of the next chapter, we will show different scenes depending on the choice that we made earlier.

Quantum Break is for now no date of ucita, but we will know more in the next 8 December's VGX if, as many believe, present at the event.