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Rockstar: Grand Theft Auto V will last longer than 100 hours

Through an interview with The Guardian, the Creative Director of Rockstar's Dan Houser reported that Grand Theft Auto V exceed the 100 hours of gameplay, including both the main story quests and activities in the gaming world.

Houser said: "the title is so wide because we wanted the players to have a chance to have an intimate relationship with the three protagonists and know all of them. We spent 100 days in "research trips" in Los Angeles. Around all night with strange people, strange policemen, we even talked to FBI agents who were undercover, who are experts of mafia, gangsters and who know their Lingo. We also went to see a real prison. "

We must therefore give credit to Rockstar of the commitment, passion and economic investment made for Grand Theft Auto V , coming exactly one week, on September 17.