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Ubisoft reveals first details on Child of Light, downloadable ROLE-PLAYING with strong artistic design

Ubisoft had last month announced that, on the occasion of the European Games Developers Conference , the event for developers that precedes the GamesCom, would have revealed the first details on a new working title: Child of Light . And so it was: this morning we held a presentation during which it was announced that it will be a two-dimensional side-scrolling ROLE-PLAYING, with turn-based battles and strongly influenced by titles like Final Fantasy VIII and Vagrant Story.

It is a small downloadable project available for year-end "potentially on next-gen platforms": the game will make use of the UbiArt Framework, the same used by Rayman Origins and Legends to create scenarios that seem "living paintings", artistically influenced by the works of Hayao Miyazaki, Yoshitaka Amano, the illustrations of Arthur Rackham and European fairy tales.

The Development Director is Patrick Plourde, former creative director of Far Cry 3 , which sees the title as a kind of cross between Limbo and Final Fantasy VI .

For now I'm not unfortunately been spread images or movies (should arrive in two weeks, when Ubisoft Digi Days), but who has seen the event says that this is a visually stunning: it is available a short video segment on vine that gives us a fleeting look at the graphics of the game. You can find it here.