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Respawn releases new information on Titan by TitanFall

It is no doubt one of the most attractive features that make TitanFall it is precisely the presence of the Titan, the gigantic mech that can be invoked during the games. During an interview with MK Gaming Respawn has folded as work hours the release of these powerful means.

During a game, anyone can invoke a Titan but will do so only when a timer for each player, it will be clear: carry out killings or completing objectives will enable us to slide faster this timer.

Potentially, there could be times when every player will be aboard a Titan: Respawn explained that for this reason, all maps shall be provided with ample space, so even the smallest is still a map. But that doesn't mean that the game will become fair of mech: developers explain that the maps will count several areas accessible only by soldiers, with tunnels, corridors, rooms and so on, in which will be placed many of the goals of the match. The team must then try to balance adequately the use of Titan and infantry troops, which will also have the task to sabotage the enemy Titan or to cover their backs on those allies.

Finally, developers have stated that the differences between the Xbox 360 version and One will be inevitable, but that for now the development is not yet at a point that we can say exactly what these will be. Continue to follow us for more information.