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Rumor: GoW Judgment is the first of a new trilogy

Increasingly, the curriculum vitae confirms the existence of games not yet announced: this is the case of the curriculum of a person who has worked on Gears of War: Judgment, where there is even talk of a trilogy.

Curriculum vitae lists:

" Gears of War: Judgment -Narrative Designer, an internal team at Microsoft. I designed a new trilogy with extensions to TV, mobile gaming and graphic novels "

Initially this episode you thought was a spin-off series, isolated but that BHP could be the first episode of a new trilogy. In addition, might suggest that epic will entrust the future of the series at People Can Fly, dedicating internal resources for other projects .

After E3, many would expect an announcement of a new Gears for the Xbox One but Epic Games for its part has not leaked, leaving a lot of puzzlement among his fans. Maybe one of the new exclusive to which Microsoft has talked about that prensenterà at GamesCom in Cologne?

Stay tuned for updates.