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Quantum wagon: Remedy explains the interaction between game and TV series

The announce trailer of the new Remedy for Xbox Title One Quantum Break there showed live footage combined with some cut-scenes of play, after which Microsoft explained that the game will introduce an innovative fusion of gameplay and TV series. So far had not understood that this mix work, but today comes Sam Lake of Remedy to be clarity about the subject in an interview with Game Informer.

Lake explained that this type of approach is a natural evolution of what Remedy he tried to do-in the storytelling-the first Max Payne, and that here gets pushed to the extreme. First, we discover that the title will contain all the "first season" of Quantum Break , including the full game and TV series all episodes connected.

But how do you merge the two sections? Lake explains that we'll play a whole episode of the game, making the story choices that will change the course of events; at the end of the episode you will unlock an episode of the TV series that we see and in which is reflected the choices that we made during the game. But the interaction will also work in reverse: the episodes of the show reveal new information to our investigations in the game and give us tips on how to unblock certain hidden content. Remedy writer explained that those who don't want to spend too much time to see the episodes of the TV series can always skip them, but will have the right to return to watch them at all times when will perhaps clarifications on things told in the subsequent episodes of the game.

Quantum Break is expected on Xbox One in 2014: keep checking back for more updates.