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The Xbox One games ran on PC at E3? A (half-) hoax

In the last few hours is spreading the news that the Xbox One games featured at E3 ran on PC: This derives from some photo spread showing of PC network under some demonstration of the new console positions. While the photos are authentic and real, as has been reported by many sites is not accurate: we can tell you that having been ourselves at E3 and having checked the whole person.

True : some Xbox One stations were based on dev PC kit. Among these were Battlefield 4 , the same title Microsoft Project Spark Studios and some other title. But Microsoft was not secret: I asked myself, these titles that I mentioned, if you turn over on Xbox One and demonstrations they replied " no, this is a development version and runs on PC ".

False : all Xbox One games ran on PC. This is absolutely false and I could test it myself. Specifically I could verify in person that titles like Ryse and Dead Rising 3 turn over on Xbox One, asking for express confirmation to its developers and checking that pad and monitor are connected to the console. For the conspiracy theorists who might say "ehhhh but maybe it was an empty box and underneath there was a PC", specifically Ryse I played at the party in an open-air courtyard, on a small table where there was only the One monitor, the Xbox and Kinect. There was nothing else and there was no furniture to hide any PC homes.

Then Xbox One functioning stations there were definitely, as there were headlines that ran on a PC. But you know, the sensationalist news provides multiple views, so it is better for a blog owner " Xbox One games ran on PC " rather than investigate and understand how things really were.