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Enemies and the world moves into new images of Killer is Dead

Have been recently released numerous images that depict the enemies and the moves of the main character of "Killer is Dead, world. The action game by Suda 51 is clearly inspired by the unfortunately already forgotten Killer 7, masterpiece of the last generation of consoles, from which derives part of its name and graphic style.

Our hero from the unlikely name, if nothing else, certainly italianizzante, is an elegant American thirty-killer, and latin lover. The title is distinctly action, we should indeed make out colorful enemies equally vibrant environments thanks to the ruthless killer skills that include more or less normal use of his sword called Gekkou and physical capabilities, in addition to the interesting arm convertible into weapons of various kinds. If all this does not suffice, dovestre know that Mr. Zappa is also a true Casanova, in fact it will happen during the adventure you can try to Board with not exactly Orthodox methods. We leave you to the avalanche of images shown initially, remembering that the official release date of "Killer is Dead has not yet been announced.