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Rumor: XCOM will be re-revealed as The Bureau on 26 April

After the rumor leaked on the net in March that saw the FPS 2 k Marin XCOM will probably not be more that way, but The Bureau for the domains registered by Take-Two that would indicate just a rebranding of the title, today it seems that the indiscretion is taking revealing concrete consistency. The Publisher has released a trailer titled What Happened in 62 (what happened in 62) that shows a child on a bicycle that looks something in the sky.

Until here nothing beautiful, but what stands out to the eye, however, is a very short time shows a note attached to the chassis of the vehicle that carries the inscription "APR 26" and "2 k".

In addition the video clip was accompanied by the following description: " when we buried things, nobody knew what had happened. But this is not right. People need to know the truth. The truth can no longer be hidden for a long time . " That Take-Two has set the date when finally we all will be revealed? There is that wait two days to know that, while we present the video and an image extracted from it that reveals small detail emerged.

MX Video - The Bureau: XCOM Declassified