New info on Dead Island: Riptide
Another novelty is the presence of areas flooded and submerged due to a powerful tropical cyclone that hit on the island; This allowed developers to introduce moving on boats that opens new possibilities for both exploration and gameplay. And speaking of climate, the game will introduce a new dynamic weather system that will allow us to see so much clear skies as strong storms and storms that obscure the heavens.
For lovers of shootings, Cardahi also explained that, thanks to a new system of targeting, the use of firearms is greater in this title than the previous one, which was more focused on blunt and cutting: explains that the heashot will be extremely devastating and that firearms will be changeable and upgradeable as already happens for other types of weapons. The producer is keen to emphasise, however, that guns and bullets are just a choice available to the player, so those who prefer nailed bats and machete may continue to use them.
We are finally revealed a new type of zombies, the "grenadier", which is able to launch out of parts of his body over and cancerous, able to damage us as they precisely grenades. For now, we refer to the coming updates to learn more about the title.