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Three new images and info on the multiplayer of GTA V

Leslie Benzies, head of Rockstar North stated that the multiplayer Grand Theft Auto V will redefine the concept of open world in the same way as the previous installment of the series made in 2001 for the single player.  "We want to go to a new level by incorporating new elements of gameplay that before would not have been possible. The ability to Exchange three characters allows the player to do things that before were not possible in any other title in the series. Multiplayer side hope that GTA V could do for the multiplayer what GTA III did for open world games single player ".

When prompted for more information on multiplayer , Benzies said: " This is the one on which we are working but we're not ready to talk about it yet. Refine the game multiplayer open world into something really special was one of the focus of development and we are very excited to share more info with people as soon as possible ".

Speaking later of the game engine, Benzies said that was specially developed for this game.

As the map of Grand Theft Auto V much more extensive than those seen e.g. in Red Dead Redemption and L.A. Noire needed a new engine can handle larger portions of the landscape. Rockstar North has received the help of committed team earlier in these two works that with their experience helped in the conception of new graphics engine.

With the new engine will be able to view portions of very large scenario, even a few miles away business greater illusion of reality. With much progress with regard to lighting and shader models.

It is not known if the new engine is an updated version of the one created for Rage or completely redesigned from scratch.

Here we present three new images from the game: