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The list of these fighters in Marvel Avengers

Ubisoft has released the list of the 20 fighters who will be in Marvel Avengers: battle for Terra , fighting game Marvel Heroes inspired and developed for Kinect. Before I leave you to list, please note that the game will be released this November 8.

List of characters in Marvel Avengers: battle for Earth:

1. Black Widow
2. Captain America
3. Doctor Doom
4. Dr. Strange
5. Hawkeye
6. Human Torch
7. Iceman
8. Iron Man
9. Loki
10. Magneto
11. Phoenix
12. Queen Veranke
13. Scarlet Witch
14. Spider Man
15. Storm
16. Super Skrull
17. The Hulk
18. Thor
19. Venom
20. Wolverine