News from PAX to the gameplay of Halo 4
Alessia Bellitti / Shotgun
P 1 set 2012 16:25
Here are the details:
- Show Prometeiche new weapons: "Suppressor" (assault rifle), Binary Rifle (the sniper) and "Boltshot" (the gun);
- Shows the "Pulse Granade" or the new Promethean grenade;
- Confirm the skills Armor which until now had never been seen in action: Active "Comoufage" (Invisibility), "Autosentry" (automatic turret to be placed) and "Regeneration Field" (An energy field to treat his companions and himself);
- In the video we can see the tactical packages. These are: Mobility, Shielding, Resupply, AA Efficiency, Granadier, Firepower, Fast Track, Requisition ;
- Shown support upgrades. These include: Stability, Ammo, Dexterity, Sensor, Awareness, Explosivers, Ordnance Priority ;
- There will be the possibility to rename freely their own classes.
- It is possible to see the setting of the game and the challenges that come back similar to Halo: Reach.
- You see for the first time the Particle Rifle in action;
- It is possible to admire some skins applied on weapons in the game.
- Radar will be shown now in the shape of vehicles near the player's position.
For the time being, we will keep you updated as always.
MX Video - Halo 4