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The battles of AC III are revived in the hills of Lucca

This year, from 1 to 4 November will take place the new edition of Lucca Comics & Games, the largest historical comics fair which, over the years, became a meeting point for lovers of Board games and video games. Ubisoft announced that on that occasion will have a presence in style to promote the release of Assassin's Creed III : will present an entire hall dedicated to the game and started a contest to find the best Italian cosplayer who will step into the shoes of Connor, but that's not all.

The most important initiative will be the reproduction of the battle of Bunker Hill during the American Revolutionary War, which will be played in the hills of the city for more than 200 volunteers from all over the world: an event that promises to be absolutely spectacular.

Lucca, however, doesn't end here for Ubisoft: they'll present Rainbow 6: Patriots , with a unique opportunity worldwide to give you a first look at the new tactical shooter of French House. If you go to the fair and visit the Pavilion dedicated to Assassin's Creed III , will find it within the walls of Lucca in Piazza San Michele, outside games.