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Vigil: Darksiders should be co-op 4

A few days before the release of Darksiders II , the designer of Vigil Haydn Dalton stated in an interview that the original idea, the first episode of the series was supposed to be a four-player co-op title and which would have seen all four horsemen of the Apocalypse in contemporary on screen. Dalton said: "we didn't have much experience in the world of console, so we chose the road less risky and we focused on a character at a time".

When it was time to create Darksiders II , was again taken into consideration the co-op but it was decided to maintain the original formula. "Riddles would change much, designing of the puzzles you want to manage into four rather than just was a whole new challenge for us, also how could work if you wanted to play alone?"

Darksiders II will be entirely single player but there will be some social aspects such as being able to swap with friends objects found during the adventure; We then have to wait the 24 August to play this highly anticipated title.