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EA reveals a new document about Battlefield Premium

After all rumor circulated so far, we can now give to the announcement by EA's new pay service Premium Battlefield ; as if that wasn't enough, the appearance of an online fact sheet , an illustrative document reveals more details on what appears to be one of the worst kept secret of E3 announcements.

With regard to price, we discover now that Xbox 360 users will cost 4000 Microsoft Points, equivalent to around 48 euros. However, with respect to content, in addition to the already knew the document clarifies that Premium subscribers can get all five DLCS planned with two weeks of advantage over other users; also will have access to items and unique features that are not available for other users. Things like the knife ACB-90, new and exclusive camouflage dogtag to weapons and soldiers, plus the ability to reset your statistics and enjoy a higher priority queues on the server.

Will also be regularly created double XP event to which only members can access Premium, which will also have exclusive access to videos created by SAYS as a tutorial or previews of incoming content. The document also confirms that the DLC which will have access to members of the service are:

  • Back to Karkand
  • Close Quarters
  • Armored Kill
  • Aftermath
  • End Game

In short, it seems that after the success of the CoD Premium Elite of Activision, EA is seriously willing to claim for itself a slice of cake. Waiting for the official announcement, here's the complete document in English.