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Halo 4: new details, no to dual wielding and dedicated servers

The Creative Director of Halo 4, Josh Holmes, a podcast by Game Informer has answered questions from fans about the next adventure of Master Chief: from dual wielding to Forge mode, dedicated servers with the ability to create or less Spartan women. As for smithy, Holmes was unable to provide specific details but confirmed that will be an important part of the gaming experience that has characterized since its introduction and its community: for those who will be curious to know how will be the new Forge, Holmes stated that to wait weeks, close to the exit.

The dual wielding (namely the ability to hold two weapons in both hands) was removed from the earliest stages of development because it created problems with balancing equipment. About loadouts, Holmes has confirmed that the system remained virtually unchanged and that players will always raise another weapon different from that with which he is reborn.

Dedicated servers have been much requested by users but 343 Industries has no plan in this regard because netcode is referred to as "phenomenal" and, at this point, add the servers would be an extra work essentially pointless. They won't even mind the bot, which is managed by the CPU players that replace the human players when they come out of the game. The popular daily and weekly challenges will make their return, but you're still working on how to implement them and thus be provided more specific details in there.

The Spartan Ops are one of the new additions of that game for free each week will introduce five new missions co-op: was not made light on how these operations are managed on a weekly basis and also in this case we can get more information in the coming months. In Spartan Ops you can create your own Spartan, choosing between the male and the female one, in addition to choose weapons, equipment and objects that will change radically the unlockable aspect of their Spartan.

Finally, Holmes made a last nod to new enemies of Halo 4 defining their creation as a real challenge, making a threat far more dangerous and intriguing than that of the Flood, which will give birth to an epic story and fantastic experiences that the development team cannot yet reveal. Missing only one month at E3, and in that context we can certainly assist to new demonstrations and information: continue to follow us for new updates.