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The first clues about the content of the first DLC Skyrim

With the release of patch to version 1.5.26 of PC The Elder Scrolls v: Skyrim , a forum user Bethesda has identified in the new files installed a series of interesting information on what could be the contents of the first DLC: new game code does indeed mention of crossbows and snow Elves. This race of Elves, which you can see in the picture the attached article, inhabited long before the North lands of Skyrim and are now known as the the Falmer after centuries of imprisonment in the subsoil by oblivion, another extinct race that lived in the land of Vvardenfell, Skyrim and Hammerfell.

Not only that, the code makes mention of the elven Prince snowcat, who led his people against the North in the battle of Moesring and who was later remembered by North for its value and then buried in Solstheim. The story is told in one of the many books that can be found in The Elder Scrolls v: Skyrim , titled "Fallen of the Snow Prince".

Below the code of the game containing what might be some of the novelty of the first DLC.

 Animations \ [b]   DLC01 \Chair_ SnowElfPrince DialogueA.HKX [/b]  [b]  DLC01\Chair_SnowElfPrinceDialogueB.HKX Animations \ [/b]  \ [b]  DLC01\Chair_SnowElfPrinceDialogueC.HKX Animations [/b]  Animations \ [b]  [/b]  DLC01\Chair_SnowElfPrinceDialogueD.HKX \ DLC01 Animations [b]  Animations \ [/b]  \Chair_SnowElfPrinceDialogueE.HKX DLC01 [b]  \Chair_SnowElfPrinceFireBall.HKX [/b]  \ [b]  DLC01 Animations [/b]  Animations \Chair_SnowElfPrinceSitIdle.HKX [b]  \DLC01\SnowElfPrinceAscensionBurning.HKX[/b] 
 crossbow_direction_behavior.hkx Animations \ CrossBow _1stP_Run.hkx Animations\CrossBow_1stP_Walk.hkx Animations\CrossBow_Aim.hkx Animations\CrossBow_Equip.hkx Animations\CrossBow_IdleDrawn.hkx Animations\CrossBow_IdleHeld.hkx Animations\CrossBow_Release.hkx