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EA: turn all our brands ' online worlds "

Electronic Arts said she was committed to transforming all its most famous brand in online worlds ". But exactly what does this definition? The explanation comes from the boss of EA for Northern Europe Keith Ramsdale. Titles like FIFA , Battlefield , Medal of honor , Star Wars , The Sims and Need for Speed will suffer all this transformation, that does not mean simply play online but it means you can play the brand on various platforms and with the same profile.

Ramsdale usa FIFA as an example: " Imagine a player who gets up in the morning, play a match on his Xbox 360 online before going to work, then on the bus to go to the Office and you keep pulling the punishment on his tablet. Lunch takes a look at transfers grace to your PC and finally returning home chooses its divided on her smartphone. And here's the interesting thing: when he comes home on his Xbox, everything done during the day will be reflected in the game "ends.

According to Ramsdale the online universes will allow consumers to play how they want, when they want and on the platform who want to ", adding that" EA is really engaged in transforming its brand in these online universes, giving the consumer complete control of how and when to play in a world rich in content . "

You have already seen the first example of this new conception of gaming in Mass Effect 3 , where players can help to raise the Galactic Reactivity of the main game using the application for smartphones and tablet. The biggest question, in what could be a tasty novelty in the world of gaming, remains the usual: how we pay for travel in these online universes "? Just buy a single pack for use on all platforms? For knowing it must wait a while, at least until the next revelation.
