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Rumor: new leaked information on GTA V

Now back to talk about their own Grand Theft Auto V, with a series of rumors coming from the post of an alleged ex-employee Rockstar on Gamespot forums ranging from information about the protagonist to the effects of number of stars researched through a likely release of the game period. You can find the full list here, but please note that it is still unconfirmed rumors.

  • The game will have a single protagonist, named Albert De Silva. It's a half-Hispanic man who was once part of a family of criminals in Vice City. He decided to retire and put on family to Los Santos. Has a son named Kevin De Silva, considered lazy, worthless, Avid online FPS where constantly yelling racist insults, but admires his father.
  • De Silva is the "rich guy" of the debut trailer of Grand Theft Auto V . We can learn something about him in the footage in which talks about his problems. We can see it only in two sequences: the first trailer appeared in profile (photo top right), the second is when driving a Deceptor (Audi R8). People who steal in jewellery are accomplices of the protagonist, who is in the back ready to flee.
  • The multiplayer will host 32 players simultaneously and, as in Red Dead Redemption , you will be able to form gangs. These are no longer evaluated according to XP but through reputation. Jobs can vary from robbing a laundry to infiltrate a military base to steal the secret weapons projects. The leader of the gang will have much more authority over his subordinates: may elevate some degree more deserving teammates and assign specific jobs to each Member. Each gang may control of territories, but only in the city of Los Santos.
  • The playing area is about 5 times that of GTA IV, and the city of Los Santos will occupy half of the map, which will be divided into three major areas.
  • The aircraft are flyable, and will vary from models of World War II to private jets.
  • Cars and weapons will be customizable, for example, you can install a silencer on the pisole or the nitro machines.
  • The shootings will be more realistic and if we are going to shoot from the car while we finistrino we must keep in mind that the medium will be less governable and the camera will shake.
  • The release date is scheduled for may 2013, but the precise date is not actually established as it will take at least 6 months yet to finish the game.
  • E3 will exhibit a playable demo.
  • The police will only run and inseguirvi, but depending on the alert level will use Flashbang grenades and riot shields, also will be the announcement of our arrest warrant also radio stations.
  • Radio stations will provide realistic traffic forecasts: If we want to plan our escape or know which roads are clogged you tune to the station traffic.
  • The suburbs have an economic life to which we can contribute by purchasing and selling drugs, weapons or illegal car.
  • The drug-taking by the protagonist will have different effects, and if we will smoke a joint in the middle of a road we have a star wanted level.
  • If we're too many speed limits will be chased by police cars, and provide high-speed accident damage to our health.

Wanted level effects will be as follows:

  • 1 Star: the police will chase you walk and try to arrest you. No Mermaid or drive (unless you inseguano for speeding)
  • 2 stars: the police attempt to arrest you, and if you have a weapon in his hand open fire, while if you don't nothing will use stun guns.
  • 3 stars: will start the Manhunt and the police did not bother the methods necessary to your capture.
  • 4 stars: roadblocks, radio stations will broadcast your warrant and the police will be more hostile. Even if you succeed in evading pursuit will be sought and the police will recognize for 24 hours in-game.
  • 5 star: will shoot to kill, capture will only happen if really possible. Even if you succeed in evading pursuit will be sought and the police recognize you for 48 hours in-game. Some missions will be blocked until you wanted.
  • 6 star: the army will deploy military vehicles.  Even if you succeed in evading pursuit will be sought and the police recognize you for 72 hours in-game. Some missions will be blocked until you wanted.
For now everything: we invite you to follow us for more news on the already highly anticipated title Rockstar.