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AC Revelations: new single-player DLC and the Ottoman Edition

Through some new objectives listed by the site X360A are aware of the development of a new additional content for Assassin's Creed: Revelations , this time dedicated to the single-player and more specifically the character of Desmond Miles. From their description suggests how the DLC will probably focus on first-person sequences details accessible from the island created by the Animus that provided information and clues about the past of the protagonist, and how the Abstergo threatens the murderers of the modern world.

In the title, you can log on to ben 5 memories through some portals spread across an area of the island and many users have already noticed in the past as the number of portals present were more than memories. In any case, at the moment there is no official information by Ubisoft or the DLC release date or price.

Meanwhile, several retailers online ( AWX and GAME -the latter has already removed) have put in list one edition of Assassin's Creed: Revelations called " Ottoman Edition " which would be ready to come to market on 16 March and that would provide some additional content without need to face more charges, i.e. presenting them in free form. As happened for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is likely to be some sort of "Game of the Year Edition" that includes, in addition to the original title, all additional content released until March. We will update when more details will be provided.