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MW3: 20 in the next 9 months content, here are the first two

As mentioned previously, Activision has confirmed today that in the next 9 months will be issued 20 different downloadable content (DLC), which will arrive as scheduled in advance and free of charge for subscribers to the Service Code Elite Premium. Between January and March will be released to subscribers Premium content, while 5 other general users may use when Xbox Live will be released together in one package "collection" in March, whose price has not yet been announced.

The first two content for Elite Premium users will arrive on January 24 and will contain maps and the Italian Liberation Square; This means that subscribers to the service to pay Activision have about two months before the others.

We propose below a trailer for new content and a set of images that we provide an overview of the two incoming maps the 24 January.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3-2012 season Content | HD Version