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Small details about the Mass Effect 3 and new screen

The next issue of Game Informer, as reported by a member of the Bioware forums, not only will the new XCOM: Enemy Unknown but will devote several pages to Mass Effect 3 describing some of the missions that will be featured in the game. No still scan network, it is not possible to verify the veracity of what is declared by this source and we urge you not to view the article if you don't want to have any anticipation about any story narrated by the Bioware title.

As reported by the user of the forum of the software house, the editor of Game Informer, in addition to the session takes place on Earth, you would be directed towards Mars, Tuchanka and Sur ' kesh (on the latter has not provided any detail) to carry out certain missions.


On Mars, the research group that was studying the Prothean ruins has not done more to hear but meanwhile may have found an item linked to the Raiders. Also seems intent on having Cerberus some more information and once landed on the planet, scourged by a powerful sandstorm, we will be forced to confront the troops of our former ally. Liara will give us important details about this operation thus revealing that the research group has discovered a weapon against the Raiders that is not, however, never completed. In terms of gameplay, the covers are much more relevant to the site that you are exploring and the location will give life to a battle on a transport system that will see Shepard move from a wagon to another to bring all the troops.

At the end of the mission to discover why the allies of Cerberus have disfigured face and bright eyes: apparently were adopted the technologies of Husk (synthetic zombies created by Geth) applies to certain subjects. We will discover that Cerberus had inserted in that one research group of its subject: question of a woman named Eva exploited to transmit important data. In a Chase discover that Eve is heavily modified with cybernetic components and wire will twist by both Shepard and his companions, and managed to mortally injure gradually Kaidan.


This mission, named "the shroud" and already seen above, is the direct consequence of what we do on planet Sur ' kesh. Our task will be to complete the cure to the genofagia and then distribute it. The Salarian way Government is aware of this mission, and has offered a proposal to Shepard: fake cures to get distribution support the Salarian way in this war (even if the source is not certain of this flap). The editor, not having accepted the proposal, it is prepared to face several enemies: in various clashes we are forced to separate us from Mordin, Wrex and others and end up in the so-called "City of the Ancients". Here we find that the Shroud is nothing more than the great tower in the ai light glimpsed trailer Video Game Awards and that seems to have the ability to control the weather: this particular machine will be used eventually to deploy the genofagia care in the atmosphere of Tuchanka.

Due to a battle with a Marauder and other enemies, the shroud will be severely damaged. Mordin offer as a volunteer to spread the cure as long as possible. The editor has finished here the summary of this mission and did not clarify if Mordin died in the course of this mission: we don't know if we will be obliged to assist at his death, or if we can somehow avoid it through the selection of dialogues; Finally, it is said that he will be while being offered to complete the mission.

The most important information ends here, waiting to see the scan and verify its veracity. Below we propose three screenshots taken from promotional trailer of Origin and that are proposed in article by Game Informer.