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GOW3: a new campaign and the RAAM Team Zeta

I had anticipated that the second DLC for Gears of War 3 would have been devoted to the campaign and would soon be released the first details. Today Epic Games has finally provided the first information: the expansion in question is called "Raam's Shadow Campaign" and will feature Team Zeta formed by Tai Kaliso, Michael Barrick, Minh Young Kim and Alicia Valera in the evacuation of Ilima City commissioning knee by an invasion of Kryll after Emergence Day

During this campaign, players can also take the form of General RAAM at a given time and of course to play the roles of old and new characters. Along with these new missions, six new characters will be added in multiplayer, a skin "chocolate" and additional 250 player points.

"Raam's Shadow Campaign" will be made ​​available on the marketplace as of December 13 for the price of 1200 Microsoft Points for those not in possession of the Season Pass and will last approximately three hours.