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Information and images for Dishonored

Bethesda has released three new concept art images that show the locations and number of characters for his title Dishonored. Through an interview with Raphael Colantonio we are informed that the shoes of a murderess supernatural and that the game is set in London. Read on to find out more details.

  • It 'a first-person action game with some RPG Elmenteita.
  • We play as a murderess in the course of the game will have several main goals to eliminate.
  • The situations of murder will be many and varied.
  • We can make some moral choices, such as saving someone.
  • There are skills in the game. The 'as regards the fact that there is a skills particoalare able to stop time, see the bullet stopped in midair, put the enemy who shot him in the face and see him kill himself.
  • You will not need to be bad even interpret the role of murderess.
  • It will be a lot sandbox title with regard to the mode of murder.

We will keep you informed as always for all future information. We leave you with images.