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RAGE: IdSoftware already thinking about a sequel

IdSoftware will also be near the end of the historical development of RAGE, but team co-founder, John Carmack, is already planning to repeat the success of a hypothetical game with a RAGE 2. PCGamer Speaking at a press conference at E3, said Carmack was pleased as shopping, driving exploration and RAGE, as IDs and are planning to repeat and improve them in future sequels.

Carmack said that the game is an incredibly addictive title, but when you take a break from all that you can try several other things. Carmack also stated that components such as cities, exploration and guidance have a very positive impact on the game and the team is very excited to bring all their own and evolve into a future RAGE 2.

It certainly like to know who is thinking about IdSoftware RAGE as a series. For now though we are just pleased that we can play the first chapter in about three months, as the title will be available from September 16.