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The last of the first Xbox creator leaves Microsoft

After Ted Hase, Seamus Blackley and Kevin Bachus, Otto Berkes also, the last founding father of the Xbox division and its associated hardware, Microsoft has definitely left yesterday. In recent years, Berkes has worked at Microsoft for ultra mobile devices, including the Courier project an intuitive touch interface that connected to a device with chisura book. In recent years it has ranged in many areas within Microsoft itself, going so far as hardware architecture of data centers Bing, but after 18 years it is time for him to turn.

"It 's time for me to move on to something different, new challenges and something new. No regrets. I'm really proud of what I was able to ottenre here." these, some of his last words before he handed in his resignation.
We can not help but wish him luck and to be able to successfully complete every project the future at another company.