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No co-op for Spider-Man: Edge of Time

Activision has ruled out the possibility of a co-op online for Spider-Man: Edge of Time to focus more on single player. In the game you will have the possibility to play as both Spider-Man 2099 Spider-man was so intriguing experience to cooperate with a friend online. Associate producer Dennis Bernardo has, however, said that in this way each player would be enjoyed only half the story.

"We wanted to focus only on the single player to be able to enjoy both versions of the story and the only way to do it in single player experience"

Bernardo has admitted that the concept of time travel has already been explored in video games but other times it will go beyond Edge of Time. "Explore the law of cause and effect of time travel has already seen but one thing has never been brought to levels at which we want to bring. "

"Doing one thing rather than another will have an effect on history that you can see in real time," he said. "When you fight a robot and do it in pieces 2099 Spider-man will see it disappear from the future. This is real interaction .