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Gears of War 3: MS makes you invite a friend to Beta

, Microsoft announced a new initiative related to the Beta of Gears of War 3: those who have participated, by May 4, at least one online game in beta, will receive by mail (address connected to the user's gamertag) May 8, a code to give to friends inviting them to download and play the beta.

The U.S. players will also have the opportunity to earn four additional codes by completing the following actions:

  • Buy at least one dedicated to Gears of War content on the Marketplace: expansions, Games on Demand content and the avatars;
  • Totalizing 20 hours of actual game in the multiplayer beta of Gears of War 3;
  • Buy an annual subscription Xbox Live GOLD;
  • Totalizing 100 hours of play in the actual episodes of the franchise Gears of War.

We Europeans are however excluded from this new opportunity: we can enjoy only the code for those who have played at least once in Beta.