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Rumor: Mortal Kombat will contain the Online Pass?

According to the website Joystiq, Warner Bros has chosen the approach initially taken by Electronic Arts to counter the growing market. According to the findings, will be the fighting game Mortal Kombat to contain, this time, the Online Pass, namely that specific registration code included in every new package at retail and used only once for access to online services and additional content of a game.

The website speaks of an email sent by publishers to distributors where it is specified that the game in question will this code but it is not mentioned on the product packaging. So who will gain the title of second-hand, will have to pay 800 Microsoft Points to qualify for the fund and future DLC multiplayer downloaded from Marketplace. Warner Bros would add, too, that both FEAR 3 Batman: Arkham City Online will contain the Pass. We await confirmation from the publisher.